Well, as we all know, "conventional thinking" doesn't exactly lead to progress, does it? So along came the TENRYU engineers, with their UN-conventional, innovative thinking. They wanted to develop a plastic cutting blade that would take the quality of your cut to the next level and using the same old technology wasn't going to do it.
Through trial and error and lots of testing, TENRYU came up with the Plastic Cutter (formerly called Plasti-Cut) Series and for the highly discriminating professional, the Pro Series for Plastic.
And guess what? They're not triple chip. These blades have what's called Alternating Top Bevel Alternating Face carbide tips. What this means is, one side edge of each tooth is planing the cut smooth after the tops of the teeth have done their job.
For a visual of these design differences see Tooth Geometry Explained
One of the things I like about selling TENRYU blades is their US warehouse is never out of stock, where my other supplier, SystiMatic, is notorious for back ordering. Now when someone orders a SystiMatic blade that's out of stock, I can usually get them to try a TENRYU. And there hasn't been a complaint yet.
The following is the report I got back from just such a satisfied customer, who had been buying SystiMatic blades and had always been happy with them:
"The Tenryu blades are great blades. I prefer them over the SystiMatic. With the acrylic sheets we cut, although the SystiMatic blades do the job, they still throw larger chips back and not as clean an edge as the Tenryu.
"Yesterday I cut a very small dimension with a close tolerance in 1/8" acrylic; the Tenryu blade worked excellent. Clean edge and the material traveled through smoothly. It's a very good blade."
Keep in mind here, I'm not knocking SystiMatic blades - they're VERY high quality and I've sold thousands of them to businesses across the country and even quite a few outside the US. Not to mention thousands more to choosy weekend warriors.
The point is, with TENRYU technology, you can get clean, smooth cuts in virtually ANY type of plastic. Due to their tight tolerances, chipping in hard, brittle plastics is reduced.
And the "no-melt" grind pattern and super-fine honing help reduce heat build-up which causes melting in softer, lower melting-point plastics. No more worrying about too few or too many teeth!
Pro Series for Plastics
TENRYU'S Pro Series for Plastics has all the features and advantages of the Plastic Cutter PLUS:
- Laser cut, press-tempered, individually tensioned and chrome plated bodies (less friction)
- High-grade, fine-grain C4 carbide wear resistant tips to stay sharp longer
- Resin bond-filled laser-cut expansion slots for less noise and less vibration, meaning truer cuts and even less chipping
For specifications and prices on both series or to order go to Plastic Cutting Saw Blades by TENRYU. If you've got plastic you need to cut with a table saw, miter saw or radial arm, this is the blade you want.
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